App management


Unified Apps

With Gizmo, you can organize multiple application executables under a single application entry.

By grouping game specific executables, your customer can quickly locate what they’re looking for in any given application, ensuring a frustration-free customer experience.


App Profiles

Create app profiles to restrict access to applications based on the user or computer group. With Gizmo, controlling access to applications is a breeze! Point and click, drag and drop, and just like that, it’s done!

App Deployment

Don’t inconvenience or discourage your customers with crash-bound methods of operation. Automate application installation and updates with flexible, convenient deployment functions that ensure flawless execution and delivery every time.

License Management

Quickly and easily set up license management for different games and distribute license keys dynamically with custom plugin support.

Personal Files

Gizmo allows you to create and store personal files for your customers.

Now, you can keep desired application-related data such as settings, favorite apps, or saved games stored and roaming for your customers’ convenience.

Task Automation

Save time by automating tasks. Set specific triggers for launching several tasks across one or multiple applications and schedule recurring tasks to be executed as needed.

Disk Space Cleanup

Speed things up with more disk space. Automatically remove less used applications from your hard drives when full and make to facilitate a customer need. Don’t keep them waiting!

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